News & Events
The demand for the ANTT Procedure Guidelines translated into Polish has been huge, and we are currently working hard on translating the rest of the core ANTT resources.
Click here to download
Zapotrzebowanie na przetłumaczenie Wytycznych Procedur ANTT na język polski było ogromne i obecnie pracujemy nad tłumaczeniem pozostałych podstawowych zasobów ANTT.
ANTT®: The Clinical Standard
for aseptic technique - Infusion
Standards 2024
We are delighted to see ANTT included as an Infusion Standard in the 2021 Infusion Standards.
The INS Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice are a world renowned leader in providing clinical guidance based on graded evidence review. They are updated 3 yearly and this is hot off the press and will help inform related guidance globally.
As in 2021 we had opportunity to help editorially with this edition and were in awe of the international expert editorial team. The amount of work this panel do in ensuring the Standards are as useful and effective as they are, is nothing less than extraordinary.
A Collaboration to help improve the management of intravenous devices & urinary catheters
We are pleased to be collaborating with BD and specialist organisations on this important initiative. For further information please click below
ASPIC Conference
Using ANTT to help
reduce Surgical
Site Infection
AVA: Association for Vascular Access recommend ANTT® with Position Statement
AVA is one of the largest vascular access organisations globally. We are delighted to be collaborating with AVA with the goal of supporting improvement in patient safety and outcomes. Click on the publication to download
ANTT® Confirmed as the standard
aseptic technique in the NHS
The Association for Safe Aseptic Practice (ASAP) performed a survey of all NHS Trusts in England & Scotland using the Freedom of Information Process. NHS Trusts were asked to report on the requirements of the Health & Social Care Act 2008/2015, regards having a single standard aseptic technique, demonstrable by education, training, assessment and audit.
92% of Trusts in England and 100% in Scotland responded to the information request. 88% of NHS Trusts in England stipulated ANTT as being their single standard aseptic technique and in Scotland 56%. This increased to 73% when ANTT was included in combination with another aseptic technique.
NHS Trusts that implemented ANTT were shown to have improved clinical governance of aseptic technique with higher prevalence of education, training, assessment and auditing of standards.
Download full text by clicking on the article
Rowley, S., Clare, S (2020) British Journal of Nursing (29) 16 p924-932
We are delighted to announce that ANTT has been officially adopted by the Algerian Ministry of Health as ‘The recommended aseptic technique of reference for all the country's health establishments’.
New national guidelines for infection prevention infections during care procedures, include a comprehensive French translation of the ANTT Practice framework and a wide range of ANTT Procedure Guidelines.
For further information
please click here
ANTT is adopted Nationally by the Algerian Ministry
for Health
Whats your ANTT news?
Let us know by getting in touch
A new ANTT® Procedure Guideline for Port-A-Cath access
We have enjoyed working with the legendary Vascular Access Team at Alder Hey Children’s NHS Hospital Trust - on a new ANTT Procedure Guideline for Port-A-Cath insertion.
Sarah Melville, Adam Grosvenor and Gemma Reid attended an online ANTT Rapid Clinic with us to discuss whether the procedure should be Surgical-ANTT or Standard-ANTT. Following a practical demonstration by the team the consensus was for a Surgical-ANTT approach.
To download a copy click on the guideline.
For a free full set of ANTT Procedure Guidelines just get in touch
Circle Health Group become the first Private Sector Organisation to gain Gold Accreditation across hospitals nationally.
Circle Health Group achieved Gold ANTT Accreditation across over 50 hospitals nationally! This is an incredible achievement and demonstrates the Groups commitment to patient safety.
Introducing ANTT into Romania: A project with small roots that has gown to a national level mandated initiative by the Romanian Government
An interview with…
Ramona Marincaș
Vice President of APCI - Infection Control and Prevention Association. Romania
“The ANTT Practice Framework is very well structured and can be easily implemented in none English speaking countries too”.
What is your role?
Director of Nursing on Zalau Emergency Hospital, Romania. I’m also Vice President for APCI - Infection Control and Prevention Association. Romania.
Where did you first heard of ANTT?
I first heard of ANTT from Tracey Corner, an Infection Prevention Specialist Nurse from England. Tracey visited my hospital for many years with the foundation Medical Support in Romania and she provided volunteer ANTT training for nurses.
Why did you decide to use ANTT ?
ANTT is very important in preventing infection. Following simple rules in an invasive technique minimises the risk of infection and may even save the patient's life. I believe that ANTT is part of continuing medical education and nurses in Romanian need continue training in this important area. ANTT is very well structured and can be easily implemented.
What types of health organisations have done training or implemented ANTT so far?
So far we did training in three Emergency Hospitals in Romania and also over the last few years we have promote the importance of ANTT at Sterilizare National Conferences. In 2013, a group of specialists in infection prevention from England voluntarily wrote a book for nurses in Romania. The book has an entire chapter dedicated to ANTT. The book was published in 2000 copies and was distributed free of charge to many hospitals.
How did you do the training or Implement ANTT?
We used the usual cascade training that most centres use to role out ANTT to staff . Each department has a trainer. We trained the trainers and then the trainers trained the staff in the departments. We translate the materials in Romanian language and we use power point presentation and soon, thanks to the Association for Safe Aseptic Practice, also e-Learning, to delivery the practice principles and theory.
Has it helped?
Yes. It helped to developed standard ANTT procedures in our hospital. Post evaluation audit identified that this standardisation of practice had significantly reduced practice variability and raised standards of practice.
After we implemented the standard ANTT procedures we did clinical audit
How will the national role out of ANTT work?
We are currently planning this with the Ministry of Health for Rumania, The Infection Control and Prevention Association (APCI) and the Association for Safe Aseptic Practice (ASAP). It will involve the ASAP’s e-learning course for ANTT being accessible freely across the country, cascade training and audit of standards.
Thank you Ramona for your hard work. We look forward to working with you and your colleagues!